Bless Fund Association

Bartlesville, Oklahoma


Save nearly $4,000 with an interest free loan from BLESS! Applications for the 2021-2022 school year are now available. HURRY, applications are due by June 1st! Click the button below to visit the application page.


BLESS Awarded $8,750 in 2020. Award Recipients are Meghan Clark, Baylee Langham, Brooks Langham, Emily Carley and Autumn Garza.

BLESS Awarded $10,500 in 2019. Award Recipients are Kally Jones, Ashley Seals, Ashtyn Lashbrook, Emily Carley, Autumn Garza, and Connor Lydon

from left to right: Neil Howe, K. Vasudevan, Kally Jones, Ashley Seals, Ashtyn Lashbrook, Emily Carley, Sujatha Krishnan and Kumar Krishnan. Not pictured Autumn Garza and Connor Lydon.


BLESS Fund Association has a Facebook page. LIKE our page to get updates on important information about your scholarship with BLESS. Click the button below to connect with us!