Save nearly $4,000 with an interest free loan from BLESS!
The BLESS Fund, sponsored by Bartlesvile's own Service & Technology Corporation, has awarded over $296,000 in scholarships to 78 college bound Seniors since 1994.
The awards, in the form of interest free loans, typically range from $1,750 to $2,000 per year, and can be renewed each year for up to four years of the student's college education.
Students and parents can save nearly $4,000 in interest costs over the life of the loan. After graduation, loan repayments are kept at a low monthly rate of $100, so as not to create too much monthly debt burden for new graduates.
To inquire more info about the program, contact us at 918-336-8161 or To apply, read the requirements below and download the application at the bottom of the page.
All students shall be eligible for BLESS irrespective of ethnicity, color, national origin, sex, age, religion and similar considerations.
Education in engineering, technology, science and other subjects shall be the order of priority for the award of BLESS.
Available financial resources and the need for assistance shall be taken into consideration.
A minimum of 2.5 out of a possible 4.0 high school GPA or a post high school current GPA of 2.5 or more shall be necessary.
Good aptitude and interest in the chosen field of education shall be important.
Stability in the pursuits of goals and good work habits shall be prime considerations.
Current transcript.
A minimum of four letters of recommendations. Two of these letters shall be from school staff members familiar with the applicant and two from community members familiar with the applicant. All letters shall be from non-relatives.
An agreement covering the loan repayment including appropriate co-signatures will be required.
Include a recent or Senior picture with application submittal.
To apply for this scholarship, download the application at the bottom of the page. Completed applications must be submitted to the BLESS Scholarship Committee no later than June 1 each year. All of the required information must be provided before the scholarship committee can consider your application. Applications MUST BE submitted by mail (not electronic mail or fax) or in person to the address provided on the application.
Each year the BLESS Scholarship Committee will select recipients of the BLESS Scholarship. Upon receipt of proof of enrollment at an institution recognized by BLESS, a check for the award amount, up to $1,750, will be sent directly to the institution in the name of the recipient. The scholarships awarded may be extended from year to year for a period of four years, providing the recipient maintains a cumulative grade point average of at least 2.5 and remains in good standing with the institution attended. The normal cumulative award is $7,000.00 per scholarship.
The four-year duration and the $7,000.00 cumulative total loan can be extended by the scholarship committee for graduate studies or under other special circumstances.
Two months from the time the recipient of the scholarship award ceases to be a full-time student at the educational institution, the recipient is expected to begin repayment of the award at the rate of $100 per month to the BLESS Scholarship Fund, Inc. until the award is fully repaid. Extensions for the initiation of repayment will be considered by the BLESS Scholarship Committee under very special circumstances.